BAWA history
Recently, Don Naples gave me an almost complete stack of BAWA newsletters from 1982-1996. I have slowly scanned them. Here are some of my observations. In appears that originally BAWA was San Francisco based made up of mostly professionals who met at various shops. In 1983, there were 149 members. Also in '88 there was a staff of SIX (6) for the newsletter plus an Advertising person. (More on that later.) Many things happened in 1988 such as the first 2X4 Contest, a BAWA Wood Show, a contest to make newsletter racks for 20 to 30 newsletters. I recall seeing them in various tool and wood and hardware stores. I started to recognize names of members still with us. Carl Johnson (VP in '89, Librarian in '91), Gene Wagg, Glenn Krueg (Programs in '91), Stan Booker (Hospitality in '91 and still going!), Arnie Champagne (Outreach in '91), Bob Berryman, Don Wagg, Doug Ryan, Mark Rand. Many others started later. Some later joiners were Al Semenero, Richard Shirasawa, Bob Nisbett, John Schmidt, Peter Wronsky, Don Naples, Bill Henzel, Yeung Chan and Per Madsen. Some of you will also remember Peter Good, Kevin Seeger, Fred Socher and "Woody." As I recall, there used to be an award we gave out and it was in memory of Woody. Anybody remember this?
I'm sure I missed people or got something wrong but there was little information in the old newsletters. So, I'll apologize in advance.
Running out of room so I will continue next month.
September Blowout!
Our tradition for the last two years has been to have a dinner party in September to kick off the fall season. It's a time to introduce our mates to each other and to the great activities of BAWA, like Rebuilding Together, toy workshops, and our booth at the woodworking show. We'll also have a Show-and-Tell and door prizes.
This year our party will be Thursday, September 18, 2003, at the Foster City Recreation Department (across the street from the library).
The menu will be:
- Honey-Baked Ham with Mustard
- Mini-Croissant Sandwiches (turkey, ham, beef)
- Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes
- Creamed Corn
- Cranberry Salad
- Green Salad
- Cake
- Soft Drinks
The cost is $15/person.
Please send your check payable to Robbie Fanning, 632 Bay Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025 before September 1, so we can order the correct amount of food.
The Fannings will be at the August meeting, if you want to sign up and pay there.