This month's presentation
The August Tech Talk will be by our own Neal White on using a mortise machine. Neal will actually cut some mortises as part of his demo, and he will have hand-outs. This should be a good talk for both beginners and experienced woodworkers since it will review one of the fundamental joints in woodworking. Our main speaker will be Ken Horner of South Bay Woodworkers who is the author of a very new book entitled: Woodworker's Essential Facts, Formulas & Short-Cuts: Figure It Out, With or Without Math. Ken will talk to us about several topics covered in various chapters of this book and might have handouts. Note: Ken WILL have copies of his book for sale at $25 (including everything) and will of course sign them for no extra charge. Some of you will recognize Ken as he is an occasional visitor to our club and is a member of the Peninsula club as well. Show and Tell will follow the main presentation.

Meeting Location
From the Bay & San Mateo Bridges:
Take Highway 580 South towards HAYWARD/STOCKTON. Take the HOPYARD/DOUGHERTY exit. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below for the continuation.
From the San Jose Area:
Take Highway 680 North toward HAYWARD/STOCKTON. Take the HOPYARD/DOUGHERTY exit. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below for continuation.
From the HOPYARD/DOUGHERTY exit turn left onto Dougherty. Travel ½ mile, Woodcraft will be in the corner strip mall on the left. Once past the signal there will be an opening in the center island. Make a U-turn and enter the parking lot.