Classifieds |
Note to prospective buyers: Please take note the date of the ad. Do not call the seller if you're reading an ad that is months out of date. Instead, look for more recent newsletters to see if the item is still offered.
For Sale (Aug 2003) Hegner Scroll Saw with magnifying light and stand. New $1200. Will sell for $475. Baldor double wheel grinder with rest. $60. Arnie Champagne 415/282-1704
12" Delta Portable Planer in excellent condition. (only used by a little old lady on Sundays after church.) Included is a Blade Setting Gage valued at $30. Price for the Planer and Gage - $150 Bob Nisbett 925/820-8322 or at
Jamie Buxton reports that Blair Glenn has acquired the inventory of Brian Harrington's Flamingo Veneer, and is developing his own business retailing veneer. Eventually he'll have a web site, but the best way now to find out what he's got is to call him: 408 866-7200 ( is his main business)
Arnie Champagne has set up a whole slew of classes. Call him at 415/282-1704 or see for specific information. Arnie gives a 10% discount to BAWA members!