Designing and building furniture involves both art and engineering. Furniture can be designed to pure art without functionality. Over the years BAWA members have built many beautiful pieces of furniture in many styles ranging from shaker to modern. The vast majority of furniture displayed at our meetings has consisted of furniture that emphasized function over art. A beautiful piece of furniture attracts us for a variety of reasons. Furniture made of beautiful wood with a striking grain invites everyone to come closer. Most people find it difficult to resist touching a piece of furniture that contains smooth lines or curves. A rocking chair by Sam Maloof with its many graceful curves is both extremely attractive and functional as a comfortable chair. Inspiration for a new design can come from many sources including furniture displayed during the Show-and-Tell segment of our meeting. Many of us often decide to build a piece of furniture after seeing an item displayed at our meeting. New woodworkers often wonder how they can build some of pieces shown by our more experienced members. Hopefully, with persistence and some help from our experienced members they too will become artisans.