8/16 - Yeung Chan
9/20 - Shop visit to Joe Brown's Distinctive Woodworking
10/18 - Handplanes with Neal White
11/15 - Jigs, Fixtures, and Box Contest
12/13 - (1 week earlier) Annual Dessert Pot Luck with an interesting MYSTERY speaker.
August - Gallery M, 328 Main St., Half Moon Bay. John Hongola-Rocking Chair, Nakashima influenced writing desk and two sofa tables
8/10-12 American Craft Show Ft. Mason Center SF www.craftcouncil.org/sf/
8/11-12 13th Annual Arts & Crafts, Concourse Exhibition Center, San Francisco. http://www.artsandcrafts-sf.com/
8/17-9/3 6th Annual Spirit of Wood exhibition at the CA State Fair, Sacramento
8/17-18 PAST Northern CA Tool Meet at Veteran Hall, Sonoma. Bob Valich 707 545-8812 www.pasttools.org/
9/10-9/21 - From Surface to Structure: texture, pattern and color in solid wood construction with Michael Cullen. 9/10-9/21 at the Anderson Ranch. Info at www.andersonranch.org
This workshop is for students who want to break out of their comfort zone. The focus is on integrating the use of color, texture and pattern into the process of designing and building solid wood containers. We will explore the idea of containment: how is an object held? how does the container's design relate to what's being held? how do form and surface interplay? how can color, pattern and texture suggest metaphors and associations? The goal is to move beyond the conventional ideas of 'box' or 'chest' into new territories. The ranch is located in Snowmass Village near Aspen, Colorado.
9/28&29 - Fair at Woodcraft San Carlos. BAWA will have a booth.
The Cradle Project - Handcrafted ones are sought for a Spring 2008 installation. Goal is to get 1,000 to represent the plight of an estimated 48 million children orphaned by disease and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. A catalog will be published and the works will be auctioned to support the humanitarian cause. Agreement to participate must be received by 11/1/07. www.thecradleproject.org or 310 829-9556