The BAWA 25th Anniversary Celebration
On March 31st over 100 members and their guests arrived at the Elks Club located in the Emerald Hills, Redwood City.

All had a chance to renew old acquaintances, meet new ones and of course meet our guest Sam Maloof. The displays of members work was closely examined as well.

Dinner came and I must say that the variety, quantity and quality were exceptional.
The dinner was crowned with our own BAWA 25th Anniversary cake cut by Bill Henzel our present and Craig Mineweaser, Stan Booker, and Mike Bray the three past presidents.

Following dinner, Vice President Jay Perrine gave an overview of woodworking through the ages culminating with how BAWA came about.
Next was Sam Maloof, our Featured Speaker. If I ever make it to 92, I want to be like Sam who still spends 8 hours a day in the shop. Sam talked about his life, how he started woodworking and what he does. A short video was also shown in bits and pieces since the disk was not in good shape and kept breaking down. Sam is a warm, gentle soul who does stunning work and is known world wide. Seeing and hearing him was a great treat for all. He received a standing ovation after his talk.

During the breaks in the video our busy Rafflemeister Stan Booker was selling chances for a load of Walnut and handing our tickets for the table and door prizes.
Then the fun began as Stan went from table to table where tickets were drawn and there was a prize for a lucky winner. Then there was a general drawing for a huge slab of Claro Walnut won by guest Leroy Nelson.
As people were leaving, members were given a special 25th Anniversary T-shirt.
A very satisfied group went off into the night dreaming and making plans for the 50th Anniversary.
Mark Rand