BAWA Apparel. Hey! Be the first one in your block to be decked out in the latest BAWA finery. Wear the finery to the meetings, to the wood shows or just show your envious woodworker friends. Jay Perrine is the source of BAWA baseball caps ($10), and BAWA work shirts ($35 or so). You can contact him at or 408/378-1585.
Woodcraft. Dublin & San Carlos give the club a rebate on all purchases. Give receipts to Mark Rand.
Open Shop. Volunteer to open your shop to members. Contact Per Madsen 415/928-4509 or
This Month's Meeting
April 19th (3rd Thursday) 6:30 pm
Our April meeting will be at Woodcraft-San Carlos. It will be a Tech and Tool Talk Extravaganza by our own members.
The Tech Talk will be by Bruce Woods on the "Stealth Project." A wooden bomber that radar doesn't pick up? Come see and hear.
There will be three Tool Talks as follows.
- Eric McCrystal doing a Festool Demo
- Jamie Buxton will show two jigs which he designed to assist the Festool guided saw
- Tony Fanning will evaluate the "Work Sharp" tool sharpener
- John Blackstone will talk about two tools: Bridgecity's CS-1 centerscribe, and BP-18 bevel protractor.
There will also be Show &Tell, and a Silent Auction (if any)
Chances on the Birds Eye Maple will still be available.
Woodcraft-San Carlos
1121B Industrial Road, San Carlos
HWY 101 FROM THE NORTH -Take the Brittan Av off-ramp. Make an almost immediate left into the complex parking lot. The store is at the far end of the complex. The meeting place is behind the store.
HWY 101 FROM THE SOUTH -Take the Whipple Av West off-ramp and travel north on Industrial. Turn right into the driveway just before you reach Brittan. (The previous intersection is Howard). The meeting place is behind the store.
FROM HWY 280 -Take the Edgewood Rd off-ramp and travel to Alameda De Las Pulgas. Turn left and travel to Brittan and turn right. (it's the first signal). Cross Industrial and turn right into the complex driveway. The store is at the far end of the complex. The meeting place is behind the store.
NOTE - You cannot make a left turn into the store driveway if you are traveling south on Industrial Rd. There is a raised median. In addition, there is a NO U TURN at the next intersection.
