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Web site is out for the time being. Contact me at 415/282-1704 or at for specific information on tools needed in classes, costs, and more specific information on each class. August: 28-29-04 Marquetry, Double Bevel, Parquetry, and Inlay. Sept: 11-12-04 Hand-cut Dovetails: Learn to cut blind and thru dovetail in a showcase box. Focus on tool sharpening, box design, wood selection etc. Sept: 14-15-04 (Week-day class) Tools and Techniques (third session) Finish settee Begin dovetail jewelry box on a stand with veneered frame and panel top. Possible marquetry. Sept: 18-19-04 (Week-end) Tools and Technique (week-end) Same as above. Oct: 2-3-04 Make an Edward Barnsley Side Chair using Barnsley's exact drawings. This class is for two days for the chair without arms. An additional two-day class will cover back splats, arms, upholstery and finishing. Limited to 4 people. Oct: 9-10-04 Showcase Wall Cabinet (Note: A full mock-up is needed prior to the class) Nov 6-7-04 Krenov style wooden hand-plane making class (I purchase all materials and it is in the cost of the class;) Tool sharpening and how to use the plane is covered. Nov: 20-21-04 Double Bevel Marquetry Class Dec: 7-8-04 and Dec: 11-12-04 Tools and Techniques: Finish Dovetail box. Begin coffee-end tables.