September 2004


President's corner

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This Month's Meeting

September 16th (3rd Thursday)

6:30 pm

This month's meeting will be our annual dinner. This will be our 3rd Annual dinner. It's a lot of fun and fellowship. Significant others are welcome and encouraged. We will also have an expanded Show & Tell, and a Jigs & Fixtures too, with prizes courtesy of Rockler and Woodcraft.

The menu will be as follows:

    Chicken Marsala

    Mushrooms & Artichokes

    Rice Pilaf

    Grilled Veggies

    Caesar Salad

    Fresh Rolls & Butter

    Dessert/Coffee/Soft Drinks

    You can bring your own wine, beer, or champagne. No hard liquor, please.

The cost is $12/person. ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for signing up is 9/7. Since we will be dealing with a caterer we will not be able to accommodate walk-ins.

And also great is all of the show and tell, jigs & fixtures you members will bring. Your significant other will be able to see what you have been working on all these years and both of you will see what others have been up to. SO, BRING THEM PROJECTS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SLAVING OVER AND PARTAKE IN A DELICIOUS MEAL!


Meeting Location

Veterans Memorial Senior Center
1455 Madison Ave
Redwood City 94061
Sunset Room

FROM HWY 101 GOING SOUTH: Take the WHIPPLE AVENUE off ramp. Turn right at signal onto WHIPPLE for about 8 blocks and turn left on HUDSON (no signal at Hudson -- intersection before is Grand), go 6 blocks to the signal at JEFFERSON, cross JEFFERSON to MADISON. Turn right to 1455 MADISON and the Senior Center parking lot.

FROM HWY 101 GOING NORTH: Take WOODSIDE RD exit. Go west past HWY 82 (El Camino) to HUDSON (intersection before is Hess) turn right. Go on HUDSON 8 blocks to MADISON (1 block before a signal at Jefferson), turn left to 1455 MADISON and the Senior Center parking lot.

FROM HWY 280 NORTH & SOUTH: Take the FARM HILL off ramp passing Alameda De Las Pulgas and FARM HILL becomes JEFFERSON and turn right on ST. FRANCIS STREET (intersection before is Valota). Go a short block to 1455 MADISON and the Senior Center parking lot.

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