Have you noticed?
There is a new energy and enthusiasm in our club meetings these last several months. Have you noticed? It's partly because we have more people attending the meetings and we've outgrown our meeting room. We're currently looking for a larger meeting space in Foster City or one of the nearby communities. If you know of one, call Harold Patterson (650/964-3451) this month.
Our attendance is definitely up! We've had 55-60 people at each of the last four meetings. With this increased number of people there is more interaction during the presentations. Also people are consistently bringing more Show & Tell items. This is really good! Let's keep this up -- bring your stuff to the meetings! And have you noticed the quality of these items? Great stuff!
And we've had some great presentations by both outside speakers and our own members. Have you noticed how informative these presentations are, and how much members are getting out of them? I can hear the buzz -- people are excited about coming to our meetings!
We'll be having four toy-making workshops spaced throughout this year. Have you noticed that this is an excellent way to share some fun time with other woodworkers, and produce something that some lucky kids will love to receive? Learn more at our next meeting.
Have you noticed that the more you get involved in BAWA, the more fun and educational it becomes for you?