January 2003


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Arnie's Ideas

President's Corner

Happy New Year!

Well it's already 2003, man last year went fast! Now you've heard me say what a great club BAWA is. Those of you who are long time members now this already, but those of you who are new members will soon find this out. Although this is the beginning of a new year for BAWA, our twenty-first year in existence in fact, I'm not going to make any New Year's predictions. We've made some important changes this past year to BAWA. Most notably we moved our Holiday Party to September. We got a chance to see new and unusual work that members had made over the last year or so, and we had a great time socializing. Doing this allowed us to focus on our booth for the Woodworking Show, and also allowed the officers to make an easy transition to the new year. As a result, we've gained more new members over the last two months than in any other two-month period.

Instead of New Year's predictions, I think it's more important that we focus on what we want to change, improve, modify, drop or add to make our club even better over the coming year. How can we make our club better? The best way I know how to do this is to ask you, the members what you want. So Don Naples and I will prepare a survey over the next month or so. We don't want to send it out right away as we want the new members to have time to experience a few meetings to see how and what we do. And for all of you to be thinking about this!

So jot down your ideas and get ready to fill out the survey in a couple months. And have a great 2003!

Craig Mineweaser