June 16 Brian Condran, Furniture Maker
July 21 Handplane Meeting in empty space behind Woodcraft, with Saturday sharpening/tuning workshop on 7/23. At Woodcraft back parking lot!
August 18 Jared Rusten, San Jose woodworker
October 20 John Shelly, from UC Wood Products Lab .
November 17 Jigs & Fixtures
December 15 Debey Zito, Arts & Crafts furniture maker
5/20-6/12 Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 6780 Depot St., Sebastopol. A preview. Artists will open their shops the first 2 weekends in June 10AM-5 PM. Map available at the Center.
6/18,19 Marin Art Festival. Civic Center, San Rafael. 250 Master Artists in various mediums.
6/30-7/4 Marin County Fair showing art and crafts. Also Art Chairs competition. There are three categories. Single chairs made or bought. The same for two chairs. Miniature chairs under 2 feet.