Woodcraft-San Carlos just sent us a rebate check of $87.37 for all the things that you folks bought there between July and December 2006. Thank you Woodcraft and you free spending members. Remember the rules. No sale items qualify and I must get the original receipt by July for all items bought between January 1 and June 30. If you want your own receipt, just ask them for a duplicate receipt when you buy the items.
Remember my stain nightmare from last month? Here is a nightmare from a pro, Michael Dresdner, as written in the June 2007 Woodworkers Journal.
"It was a simple refinishing job, a square Mahogany table top painted white with a royal blue border. Pores were filled and sprayed with several coats of white primer sanding between coats to get top smooth before adding coats of white lacquer. When dry, the border area was masked and the blue sprayed on. When the masking was peeled of, the blue was raised. To correct, the white was sprayed with clear gloss lacquer to get rid of the ridge of the blue."
"A lot of lacquer and sanding leveled it but now the white was a mottled off white. Sprayed the white again and to bring the blue level, it was also sprayed with lacquer. The blue was now green. This went on back and forth for many coats where finally the finish was thicker than the veneer. The mottled white was still there when the table was delivered to the customer. The customer was assured that the mottled white was just a trick of the light. WELL, six months later the thick lacquer cracked like shattered glass."
With deep therapy, he was well again 3 years later.