October 2006


President's corner

Next meeting

Last meeting

This & That




BAWA Apparel. Hey! Be the first one in your block to be decked out in the latest BAWA finery. Wear the finery to the meetings, to the wood shows or just show your envious woodworker friends. Jay Perrine is the source of BAWA baseball caps ($10), and BAWA work shirts ($35 or so). You can contact him at jperrine@calwater.com or 408/378-1585.

Woodcraft. Dublin & San Carlos give the club a rebate on all purchases. Give receipts to Mark Rand.

Open Shop. Volunteer to open your shop to members. Contact Bruce Bell at bell422@earthlink.net or 415/681-8353.

This Month's Meeting

Oct 19th (3rd Thursday) 6:30 pm

Bring a chair.

And bring items for display at the show.

Our October 19th meeting will be at Delphi Productions in Alameda at the old Naval Air Station. Our contact there is Philo Bemis, an early BAWA member. They are in a 106,000 square feet hangar where they make, manage and store exhibits for a wide variety of corporate clients.

Founded in 1989, they are now a global organization with offices in Europe, the Far East, Brazil and Australia. What they do is design, build and produce exhibits and media for tradeshows, events and museums. They do three dimensional design, theater arts and media production to create these exhibits. They have both a wood and metal production shop and most of the exhibits incorporate regular cabinet construction which they have streamlined so they use a number of standardized methods with corresponding hardware for hanging doors for example. Using a CNC machine with a bar code labeler also helps them with their work flow.

Also see their glitzy website: http://www.delphiproductions.com/

Regarding the September Dinner meeting, Robbie Fanning would like to thank Fred Reicher, Janet Thorp, Don Naples, and Tony Fanning for help setting up the BAWA dinner in September.

She would also like to thank everybody for pitching in to clean up in record time.

If you have suggestions for next year's dinner--menus, locations, entertainment, etc.--please email Robbie at rfanning@mac.com.

Meeting Location

Delphi Productions
950 West Tower Ave.

FROM THE BAY BRIDGE - Merge onto I-880 towards Alameda. Take the Broadway/Alameda exit. Turn right onto 5th St.. Take the I-880 S ramp towards San Jose. Take the ramp towards Broadway/Alameda. Stay straight to go onto 5th St. Turn slightly left towards Alameda. Turn slightly right towards the Webster St. tube. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below.

- Take I-880 North. Take the Broadway exit toward downtown. Take the ramp toward Jack London Square. Turn left onto Broadway. Turn sharp left toward Alameda. Turn slightly right onto Webster St. Tube.

Once past the Webster St. Tube
Turn right onto Atlantic Ave./ RALPH M APPEZZATO MEMORIAL PKWY. Continue to follow Atlantic Ave. Turn right onto Orion St. Turn left onto West Tower St. to 950.

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