October 2006


President's corner

Next meeting

Last meeting

This & That



BAWA Meetings

10/6-10/7 Woodcraft-San Carlos Open House. 9 AM - 7 PM. There will be 15 or so vendors and we will have a booth in a tent. Volunteers are needed to staff the booth. Contact Bruce Woods 925-443-9052 or mojowoods@comcast.net .

10/19 - Shop Visit - Delphi Productions, Alameda.

10/27-29 - San Mateo Woodworking Show. BAWA will have a booth. Volunteers needed to staff the booth. Sign up at the September dinner or contact Robbie Fanning AFTER 9/21 at 650 323-1183 or rfanning@mac.com.

11/16 - Annual Jigs & Fixtures and Box Contest. Tech Talk - Harold Patterson on Lock Miter Setup and Ken Habeeb on Antiques, Foster City.

12/14 (NOTE:2nd Thursday) Dessert Potluck - Bill Henzel on Habitat for Humanity, Redwood City Veterans Memorial Senior Center


- Gallery M 328 Main St., Half Moon Bay. New artist Will Peterson showing segmented bowls

- Tuolumne River Woodworkers 14th Annual Woodworkers Exhibit. McHenry Museum, 1402 "I" St., Modesto. Open 12 Noon to 4 PM, closed Mondays. Demos on Sundays. Last year they had 104 items.