July 2006


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BAWA Meetings

July 20 & 22 - 2nd Annual Planing meeting & Workshop

August 17 - 1st Annual High School Woodworking Students Seminar and BAWA Meeting. Bruce Woods Tech Talk on CAD furniture design programs. Bill Palumbo, Shopbot CNC routers.

September 21 - Annual BAWA Dinner & Box Contest.


- Gallery M general manager and woodworker Matt Stark will be displaying his furniture pieces.A spectacular California Walnut bed with figured Maple accents will be the highlight. Gallery M 328 Main St., Half Moon Bay.

Marin County Fair San Rafael. Contact Charlie Barboni 415 499-7048 or http://www.marinfair.org

Sonoma County Woodworkers Artistry in Wood .

CA State Fair, Spirit of Wood, Entry form & information www.bigfun.org or 916 263-FAIR. Sacramento Cal Expo.

8/11-13 American Craft Council (ACC)
Featuring more than 250 of the nation's premier craft artists. Hand-blown glass, wood and ceramic objects, wearable art, jewelry, furniture, quilts and baskets. Fort Mason Center. SF (800) 836-3470

8/12-13 Arts & Crafts San Francisco. San Francisco Design Center, Concourse Exhibition Hall, 635 8th St at Brannan www.artsandcrafts-sf.com (707) 865-1576