I want to start by thanking all the officers and committee members who worked hard over the last year to make BAWA a great organization. I especially want to thank Craig Mineweaser for his outstanding contributions as president for the last 4 years. The club has more members now than anytime in its 24 year history. Most of you are probably being inundated with tool catalogs. I escaped the Christmas tool catalog deluge since I recently moved to San Jose. My tools are stuffed into a garage that is filled with packing boxes. I dream of building a new shop so that someday I may be able to use my tools again. This will be the first time I will have a shop that is designed for woodworking. I have always had a shop in a two car garage, although I have never had to share the garage with a car as some of you do. Maybe this year we can have a meeting on shop design. As your president I hope to continue to work with our officers and committee members to make the BAWA a better organization then it already is. I would like to expand our website and add a history section. In 2006, BAWA will be 25 year old. It is time to think about a special celebration of this historic event. I hope to work with everyone and especially our new members to take some of your new ideas and make them part of our BAWA organization.