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We Need Your Wooden Items for the October 28-30 Woodworking Show For display at the show, we'd like to borrow:
If you have something to show, please call or email Tony Fanning at (650)323-1183, tonyfanning@mac.com. He will also want details from which we can make attractive signage. Plan to bring your item to the October 20 meeting. If you can't make it, arrange to deliver your item to the Fannings at 632 Bay Road, Menlo Park no later than Thursday, 10/27/05. We also need one more person to man the booth for a couple hours. See This 'n That for details. Toy Workshop Sunday November 20, 2005, San Carlos Woodcraft store 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Sign up sheets will be at the October Meeting. Please contact Harold Patterson at 650-349-7922 on email haroldp16@comcast.net. The toys made at this workshop are to be donated through Woodcraft to Hurricane Katrina victims. Also please feel free to bring in toys for donation at the October meeting. Since we will be using Woodcraft tools, this may be an opportunity to check out that special power tool that is inspiring lust. Freedom Pen Turn-a-thon At all Woodcraft locations will host a turnathon Friday, November 11th and Saturday, November 12th. Eric of the San Carlos store is hoping to turn in an excess of 100 pens in those 2 days to send to the troops in the Gulf region. Woodcraft, as a whole last year, turned over 9000 pens. Woodcraft will supply the pen kits, blanks and lathes for the turn-a-thon. Free Fir Jerry Robinson tore out an old bench that was in his home when he bought the house 18 years ago. It is 1 ½ inch thick by 9 inches wide Fir-two 8 footers and 1 six footer. It's flat, but not pretty-it has some parts that are painted but will probably clean up nicely. He also has some fir 4x4 and 2x4s in rough lengths. He is giving it away. Call him at 415-387-6913. His home and shop are at 28 Roselyn Terrace, SF
BAWA Apparel. Hey! Be the first one in your block to be decked out in the latest BAWA finery. Wear the finery to the meetings, to the wood shows or just show your envious woodworker friends. Jay Perrine is the source of BAWA baseball caps ($10), and BAWA work shirts ($35 or so). You can contact him at jperrine@calwater.com or 408/378-1585. Or how about a nice laser-engraved name tag for BAWA meetings? Check out Mike Cooper's. He can get you one for $8. (mlcooper94555@comcast.net or 510/471-6934.)
Woodcraft. Dublin & San Carlos give the club a rebate on all purchases. Give receipts to Mark Rand.
Open Shop. Volunteer to open your shop to members. Contact Bruce Bell at bell422@earthlink.net or 415/681-8353.
October 20th
Our October presenter will be John R. Shelly of the University of California Forest Products Laboratory. Dr. Shelly's educational background is in Wood Science and Technology (BS-- Penn State, MS and PhD -- University of California at Berkeley). He has held academic extension positions since 1978 at UC Berkeley and the University of Kentucky. He is currently a Cooperative Extension Advisor in Biomass and Forest Product Utilization at the University of California Forest Products Laboratory in Richmond, California. His primary area of interest and expertise is in the physical properties of wood and manufacturing technology with an emphasis on woody biomass, and the underutilized urban and timber species of California. Current efforts are focused on the technology needed to wisely use these underutilized resources to enhance forest health and economic development. He is currently leading a major research project focused on the utilization potential of western hardwood species infected with Sudden Oak Death tree disease and is the chair of the University of California Woody Biomass Utilization Workgroup. John is recognized as an expert in drying native California hardwoods and has authored over 50 scientific and extension publications and presented papers and talks at over 100 conferences and workshops. It is going to be an excellent evening.
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