BAWA Gears Up for November Woodworking Show
Every year over the first weekend in November, BAWA members staff a booth at the Woodworking Show staged at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds. In return for working a two-hour shift, BAWA members receive free admission to the show.
Even the simplest demonstration pulls viewers to the booth. One year, Tony Fanning sharpened his cabinet scraper, while sidewalk supervisors told him how he was doing it wrong. This year we have even more planned for our booth.
* Craig Mineweaser, Don Naples, and Tony Fanning have designed a 5'-high display cabinet with shelves to display smaller items.
* Bill Henzel has volunteered to help have small toy parts that people can sand while working in the booth, showing that we do a Toys for Tots project every year.
* Mike Bray carved a wonderful wooden sign with the BAWA logo.
* In addition, we will have a small display of past box and 2x4 contests with signage, a photo notebook of members' work, and large signs about our group.
But we need your help. We need about 26 people to volunteer a two-hour slot. The dates are November 1-3, 2002. The show opens at noon on Friday, so we need three people to set up that morning.
We need:
1) Three people to set up Friday morning.
2) Six people in the booth Friday (12-2, 2-4, 4-6)
3) Eight people Saturday (10-12, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6)
4) Six people Sunday (10-12, 12-2, 2-4).
5) Then we need three people to take down on Sunday after 4 pm.
This requires that a large percent of our membership volunteer. You do not have to be an experienced woodworker to work in the booth. A pulse and a smile is enough. And remember, you get into the show for free if you work in the booth.
Please call or email Robbie or Tony Fanning with your first, second, and third choices of times and dates. We need your name, phone, and email (if available).
We will also bring the sign-up sheet to the September and October meetings. Thank you for spreading the workload among all members.
Also, we need to borrow the following items:
* Previous items in the box or 2x4 contests (thank you, Paul Reif, the first volunteer)
* Photos (digital or prints) or photocopies of your work for our member display notebook
* Items you don't mind having on display for three days
Small items will be in a locked display case that Craig Mineweaser, Don Naples, and Tony Fanning are constructing.
We will then ask you to supply details from which we can make attractive signage.
Robbie and Tony Fanning, (650)323-1183, or