This month is party time!
We will all convene at the Crane Room for a very fun evening. For are First Annual Fall Kick Off party. Connie Voos with Robbie Fanning and others helping has been spear heading all the arrangements with the caterer to ensure a delicious meal. The menu will be bbq chicken/ribs, corn bread, potato salad and bbq beans-- all catered from Armadillo Willys. Dessert and beverages will be provided as well. The buffet will be set up at 6:40 p.m., and will be ready to serve by 7:00 p.m., please arrive on time when the food is hot! I could say the meal will be followed by a performance of the opera Parsifal which is about 5 hours long but I won't. The evening will be an opportunity to get to know your fellow wood workers. Learn a little about tools and techniques and also help others with your own knowledge. This evening will also be when you can shine! Bring your treasures be it projects (finished or not), hand made tools, antique tools, your favorite tools, your jigs and fixtures or anything that you find wonderful or helpful involved in our much loved art of wood working and share them with us. We will also have a "PEOPLES CHOICE" award for the best item brought and a PRIZE besides! We might even have an "ASK BAWA" session. If you have a problem, ASK BAWA. You will find experts there.

Meeting Location
From 101, take the East Hillsdale exit. Drive a mile plus toward the bay. Turn right on Shell Blvd.
From the East Bay, take the San Mateo Bridge (92 West), Take the Foster City Blvd. Exit, and head southeast. Turn right on East Hillsdale Ave. and left on Shell Blvd.
From (92 eastbound), exit onto Foster City Blvd., turn right on Hillsdale, turn left on Shell.
Once on Shell, look for the Recreation Center on your right.