Main Presentations
At 7PM our own Brian Harrington will discuss veneers and how he has refocused his business and is now Harrington Woodworking Exotic Veneers, a wholesale operation selling to local retailers like Northern Hardwoods! He will discuss veneers and veneering in preparation for our Vacuum Veneering talk by Jamie in October. Brian will have LOTS of giveaways for either Door prizes or Raffle items, better come and find out which it will be. There will be a challenge to identify weird species. He will have a vast range of veneers for people to look at. Brian will have approximately 30 minutes to get us into thinking about using exotic woods for some projects.
Following our club business meeting and Show 'n Tell (and a chance to give your $15 to Connie and Robbie for the September food bash) Guy and KT Bovie, the owners of ALPHA Refinishing will discuss stripping of finishes, staining and various finishing techniques employed at their shop. During the talk they will show us the stripping tank and the finishing booth. There are all kinds of work in progress and various states of repair in the large shop.
Future Meetings
The September meeting is shaping up as a fun event and more details will emerge including the design of the display case which will be a Club effort and something the Club will own for repeat use at such shows. There is also a design emerging for our 20th Anniversary T-shirt that might just make its debut at the September Fall Kick-Off. Remember there will be adequate time for socializing and extended Show and Tell at that meeting.

Meeting Location
Take Highway 80/580 to the Powell Street off ramp in Emeryville. Drive on Powell Street in an eastbound direction for about 3/10 of a mile. Hollis is two blocks past the end of a short viaduct or bridge that you will be on. Turn right on Hollis Street and travel to 45th Street. 4512 A is in this vicinity.