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Newsletter July 2024
BAWA Hybrid Zoom Meeting July 21st. 2024
Foster City Recreation Center
The meeting was called to order by Frank Ramsay.
Program Announcements – Paul Krenitsky
Saturday, July 27 3pm: Visit to Global Wood Source in Campbell.
Sunday August 18 6pm: BAWA Meeting; Blake Weber will be our speaker.
Sunday, Sept 22: Annual Picnic at Twin Pines Park in Belmont. We will have the planing contest again.
Sunday, October 20th 8pm:: BAWA Meeting: 2x4 Challenge rest of meeting still tbd
Sunday December 8th 6pm: Annual Holiday Party and Ornament Challenge.
Jon announced that the August meeting will be at the Foster City School MPR Room, since the F.C. Recreation Center is closing for a major renovation.
Frank is looking for a shared workshop where he can rent space. All he needs access to a tablesaw and a workbench.
Judges Michael Bray and Jason Forster critiqued our Show exhibits
Michael and Jason spoke about the judging for all the entries in the BAWA Woodworking Show held at Woodcraft.
They judged each piece based on technical skills and artistic value. When asked what we might do differently next time, Jason suggested it would be nice to know if the piece was an original design, or built from existing plans. Mike said he did not comment about finishes unless there was some obvious flaw. Mike also mentioned that it would have been nice to have fewer pieces to judge, which would give him time to discuss what he liked about the piece, versus what could be improved.
Show and Tell
Jamie Buxton
The hidden mechanism
All leaves opened simultaneously with a light touch of a finger
Jamie brought in his round box with 5 leaves on top
that opened and closed like the aperture on a camera.
He had designed an ingenious mechanism to open all five leaves at once.
The bottom of the box was Makore, the top was Sapele.
Mike Bray
Mike brought in the 2x4 mortising bench he made 9 years ago. It has mortise and tenon joints.
Max Goldstein
Max showed us a slide of the clock he had made and remade into a spice rack.
Tom Gaston
Unknown wood
Zebra wood
Sumit Roy
Sumit brought in his UM stool made with box joints. It was made from Silver Birch.
Aaron Blohowiak
Aaron brought in the shoe bench he made from Maple.
Laura brought in refreshments.
Minutes by Burt Rosensweig