8/20 - Hands on: Planing. Learn how to make your planes work.
9/17 - Panel Discussion on "Improving & Expanding Your Shop" chaired by Jay Perrine
10/15 - Hand Planing Seminar with Neal White, Don Naples & Harold Patterson
11/19 - Annual Jigs & Fixtures and Box Contest
12/10 (2nd Thursday instead of 3rd Thursday) - Hors D'oeuvre/Dessert Potluck
8/14- 9/12 -- Artistry in Wood exhibition in Santa Rosa. Craftspeople intent to show by 7/17. Delivery of work by 8/17. www.sonomawoodworkers.com. Bill Taft 707-794-8025 wgtaft@aol.com
8/14-16 -- American Craft Show, Ft. Mason SF
8/21-9/7 -- CA State Fair, Expo, Sacramento will have the usual. woodworking display.
11/13-15 -- The Woodworking Show in Sacramento. www.thewoodworkingshows.com
11/30 Deadline Wood Magazine On line photo contest for Best Furniture Piece, Best Shop Project, Best Outdoor Project. For details go to www.woodmagazine.com