October 2008
President's corner
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This Month's Meeting
October 16, 2008
Socialize 6:30 PM, Meeting starts 7 PM
Announcements, Officer reports, Door prizes/Raffle item description, Guest self introductions
Main Presentation: Hand Planing Seminar with Neal White, Harold Patterson and Don Naples
"Ask the Membership about a problem" session.
Name tags-Members are now responsible to make their own. Otherwise, a paper "HEY YOU" will be available
Show and Tell always welcome.
This month's meeting will be our annual Handplaning Seminar with our member experts Neal White, Harold Patterson and Don Naples. In addition, there will be a Handplaning Demonstration with Neal White on Saturday, 10/18 at Woodcraft, San Carlos from 10 AM-2 PM.
Mist Room,
William Walker Recreation Center
650 Shell Blvd., Foster City
HWY 101 - Take the East Hillsdale exit. Drive a mile plus toward the bay. Turn right at Shell Blvd. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below.
FROM HWY 92 FROM THE EAST BAY - From the San Mateo Bridge take the Foster City exit and head southeast. Turn right on East Hillsdale and left on Shell. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below.
FROM HWY 92 (SAN MATEO BRIDGE) EASTBOUND - Take the Foster City exit turn right on Hillsdale, turn left on Shell. See FOR ALL DIRECTIONS below.
Once on Shell, go past the first signal. Look for the Recreation Center, a low building on your right. You will see a small parking lot adjacent to the building and a large parking lot just past the building.
