November 2002


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This 'n That

Presidents corner

BAWA contacts



Tech Talk

President's Corner

Thanks for the presentations

This past month's meeting had two presenters, as I'm sure you'll read about elsewhere in this newsletter. But did you know that David Goldenberg spoke about protecting your design in our "Tools and Techniques" talk at the beginning of the meeting. He gave some very helpful information to those of us who've thought about protecting or copyrighting a design. Did you know that Dave is a brand new member? Isn't that great!? Then another member, our webmaster Jamie Buxton, gave a very well thought out and clear presentation on vacuum veneering. He did a fantastic job! Did you notice that Jamie has also added a resource list to the end of our website? Check it out. These are examples of the kind of dedication to our club that many members have. Participating and getting involved helps you and the rest of our club. Thanks guys!

Another successful show

And speaking of participation: Although by the time you read this, the Woodworking Show at the San Mateo Fair Grounds will be over, I want to thank all who participated. If you didn't get there to see the show and our booth, you really missed out! Due to the extra efforts of Robbie Fanning, our Shows Chair, we had a fantastic booth this year. Tony Fanning also spent many extra hours making signs and other items for the booth. We had almost 30 volunteers staff the booth over the thee-day weekend and that's about a third of our current membership! In addition members donated furniture and other work they've made to display in the booth and in our new display cabinet. Don Naples spent many, many, many extra hours finishing the display cabinet so that it would be ready in time. And Arnold Champagne set up a workbench and worked on projects illustrative of the kinds of classes he teaches, which helped get people interested in our club. The efforts of all these people combined to make this what has been acclaimed by all as "The best booth ever!" It shows how important having a presence at the show is to all of us in BAWA. Thank you all! Great job!

To all the people (over 100) who stopped by our booth and expressed an interest in our club, welcome. You will be receiving this newsletter so that you will have some idea as to who we are and what we do. Oh, folks that will get this newsletter off the web make sure and look through the Archives and Gallery. At the meetings, we normally, have a short Tech Talk on a varied number of subjects followed by a short Business meeting then Show and Tell, which shows the incredible talent and ingenuity of our members. Then we have a Main Presentation or sometimes a tour of a professional shop to see how the "pros" do it. Generally, we leave the meetings itching to get back into our shops and try something we had just learned. Hope to see you at the next meeting.

Craig Mineweaser