Newsletter February 2022

President's Message

Sorry there is no President's message this month.
I have been nursing my sick computer to keep it alive and run out of time to write the message.

Enjoy your woodworking.

Contact at:


20th February 2022 BAWA Zoom Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Frank Ramsay.

Steve Jennings and Dominique Charmot


Jon Kaplan stated that we have 32 members who have paid membership dues for 2022.
A number of them paid more than the required $60.

Our March meeting will be on Sunday 20th and it will be a hybrid meeting: you have the options of attending in person or joining via the Zoom link.
Guest speaker will be Scot Wynn

He also mentioned that we cannot use the Foster City Rec Center for the June and August meetings,
So June will be at a different location and we may have our second Annual BAWA Picnic in August.

Paul talked about having a field trip to the Arborica mill on Saturday March 26th (See his email questionnaire sent out after the meeting)

We had about 30 participants in this Zoom meeting.


Dennis Yamamoto
Construction of a Cherry Console

Dennis talked about the cherry console he designed and built
based of a Moser console that he used as an inspiration.

Dennis bought 200 board feet of 8/4 veneer quality cherry from Bob Kloes

The templates and bending forms made for the cabinet

The front of the piece is curved and bent laminations to create the curved front pieces.
figured soft maple drawer sides
with hand cut through dovetails at the back of the drawers.

Since the drawer fronts are curved
Dennis used sliding dovetails to attach the Blum Movent drawer sides.

The legs are rift sawn. He has a jointer with power feed.
He did a lot of resawing to create the laminations for the curved portions of the piece.
He ran the resawn cherry through his drum sander to remove the saw marks.

The bent pieces are laminated and vacuum bagged over a form.
He has a shaper with helical insert cutters that he used with one of his templates
for shaping the curved lower part of the piece.

Back of the cabinet

Joinery includes dominoes, dovetails, and pocket screws.
with a Festool LR3 used for locating
he shelf pins that are located in the cabinets on either side of the drawers.

Many of the pieces are pre-finished before being glued together.
with four coats of Minwax Wipe-On poly to finish the piece.

(Bruce mentioned that he prefers Varathane Wipe-on poly... as it is less likely to streak.)

Wood source:


Paul's Virtual Workshop Tour
Wood Storage

Max Goldstein

Foreground: 5 gallon buckets holding small pieces, somewhat sorted.
Midground: a dolly holding several sheets of 3/4" ply bought at auction,
with some miscellaneous scraps on top.
Background: 4'x4' sheets resting against a shelf, not easily moved.

Bruce Powell

Bruce built a wood rack that holds scraps.

John Blackmore

John showed wood on steel racks and wood racks.

Tom Gaston

Tom has multiple racks, some of which are outdoors and subject to rodent droppings.

Bill Henzel

Bill Henzel has a cabinet for storing wood vertically,
and long pieces stored vertically against a wall
He has a cart on wheels for smaller pieces.


Show and Tell

Dominique Charmon

Dominique Charmot showed photos of his Beech and Walnut
hour-glass shaped 6 foot tall floor lamp.

He also showed his desk and chair that had beautiful curves throughout.

John Blackmore

John Blackmore showed a bathroom vanity,
unfortunately he was not able to attend during the meeting to explain it,
so will come back to him next meeting.

Bruce Powell

Mateo starting the day

Jim on the Hegner

Frank working at a hand cutting station

Jim at the bench

Dark outside and Mateo still cutting

Marquetry class: Mateo made 3 koi fish and inlaid them on the veneer sheet, which is quite an accomplishment!

Bruce held his double bevel marquetry class in his garage in San Francisco on February 19
He had Mateo McCullough, Frank Ramsay and Jim Koren attending.
They created double bevel marquetry using hand cutting and the Hegner scroll saw.
Mateo was having so much fun, he stayed until after dark and made four Koi fish.
Bruce mentioned that the saw blades are so thin and the teeth
so fine that the only way he can tell if the blade is oriented correctly is
by running his finger over the teeth to see which way they grab.

Minutes by Burt Rosensweig
