This was the evening of the annual holiday pot luck and there was no shortage of good food to eat during the whole meeting. Thank you to all the members who participated.
Guests: Sam Hutkins from Belmont
Upcoming Meetings:
Frank announced that Paul Krentsky had volunteered to be our new Program Director.
Paul asked the membership what they would like to do for meeting talks and shop tours. He is working on our program for 2020 and an announcement about
2020 meetings will be sent out in the new year, meanwhile a calender of the dates are on our website.
Harry Filer said we made over 60 toy box/treasure chests that will be donated to two charities. The Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center in San Francisco
will get some of the toys and the Saint Francis Center in Redwood City will get the remainder.
Jamie Buxton built 7 wooden race cars with the help of his grand nephew. He brought in one bare wood one and everyone was impressed with its sleek looks.
We collected enough money from members to raffle off the 2" thick Walnut slab. The money goes to the BAWA treasury. Jay Perrine won the raffle.
Frank brought up the fact that we will have a BAWA show in 2020 and asked if we should have it at the Woodcraft store again or have it at the Foster City Recreation
Center. Members preferred the security aspect of the Woodcraft store.